The Porch Blog by Ruoff Mortgage

Tips for Creating a Home Gym Space

Written by Luke Smith | July 9, 2021

Throughout the pandemic, home gyms have become increasingly popular. People are realizing more than ever that you don’t need to pay for an expensive gym membership to get a good workout and achieve your fitness goals.

Creating a home gym space allows you to accomplish those goals while adding value to your home and boosting your motivation. While your home setup can be as simple as a space in your living room to move around, you’ll get more out of it by making a bigger transformation.

So, how can you create the best home gym space to fit your needs? How can you make sure it boosts your home value, rather than diminishing it? Let’s cover a few tips that can take your home exercise routine to the next level, and add something special to your house at the same time.

Choose the Right Space

The first step in creating a functional home gym is to find the right space for it. Again, if all you have room for is a corner of your living room, you can certainly make that work. But, don’t be afraid to think outside of the box when it comes to utilizing an effective space. Some of the best spots to consider include:

  • The garage
  • A spare bedroom
  • The attic
  • The basement
  • An unused shed

Any area with high ceilings and adequate space for movement can work well for a home gym. When you’re choosing a space, you might also want to consider the type of gym that will work best for your needs. If you’re thinking about installing equipment, things like fixed pressed gyms and functional gyms take up different amounts of space. If you want to install other weight machines, cardio machines, bars, or balance balls, consider it all when you’re looking at different rooms.

When you finally decide on the perfect space, your next step should be to clear it of clutter. Your home gym space should be dedicated solely to working out. It’s okay if it’s a shared space or just a corner. But, that particular space should be clean and only used for exercise. Not only will decluttering keep you from getting distracted but it can remove stress and anxiety and let you get the most from every workout.

Set the Right Tone

If you’re making the effort to create a gym at home, chances are you’ve been to a commercial gym before. What were some things you liked about it? What were things you wished were different? Apply those preferences to your own gym design to set a tone that works for you.

The last thing you want is a space that is uninspiring and unmotivated. When you’re working out, you’re going to be sweating and breathing heavily, so ensuring your space has a lot of clean airflow and allows for cooler temperatures is a must. Installing an exhaust fan or using a dehumidifier can help with heavy air and moisture. It’s also a good idea to let in as much natural light as possible. It can boost your Vitamin D and give you more energy while you’re working out.

In addition to your space being functional, it should also fit your personality and be inducive to your specific goals. Think about things that inspire and motivate you. For some, that includes hanging up powerful quotes or pictures on the wall. For others, a large mirror can be a great way to continuously check your form and physique.

You can even turn your home gym space into tech central. Technology is one of the biggest reasons why home gyms have become so popular. Between free online workouts, purchased plans, and subscriptions that connect to pieces of equipment, it’s easy to feel like you’re working with a personal trainer from the comfort of your own home.

If you enjoy utilizing technology while working out, you might want your gym to include:

  • A wall-mounted television
  • A computer with extra monitors
  • Extra outlets for charging capabilities
  • Bluetooth speakers

Using technology can make working out each day easier and more motivating, so you’re more likely to stick with it. But, there’s nothing wrong with going old school, either! Choose a vibe that works for your fitness goals and your personality and you’ll get much more out of your space.

Make Sure It Adds Value

If you’re taking the time and effort to create a separate gym space in your home, it could add a lot of value to your property. Nowadays, Millennials are shaping the home market. They’re looking for houses that are tailored to their lifestyles, which often include things like home offices, gourmet kitchens, an eco-friendly environment, and workout spaces. More than 4.7 million people currently work remotely at least part-time, so it makes sense for those individuals to want to maximize their home environment.

… And they’re willing to pay for it.

So, how can you ensure that your home gym setup adds value to your home, should you ever decide to sell? Obviously, it’s about more than the equipment you’ll take with you. Rather, it depends on what you’ve been able to create with the space you’ve chosen. It needs to be completely clear that space is meant to be used as a gym and not just a “spare room.” That can be used as a marketing tool when you go to sell your house. It should also be as separate from other rooms in the house as possible. That doesn’t mean it needs to be far away in distance. But, it should look different. Mirrors, rubber tile floors, and separate ventilation systems will all make it crystal clear what that space is used for.

If you really want to add value, consider leaving some of your equipment behind. You can always purchase more depending on your needs, but including some of the heavy machinery in your home sale can make it more enticing to potential buyers.

Creating a home gym is a great way to stay in shape, feel your best, and establish healthy habits without having to leave the house. Keep these tips in mind to ensure your workout space is as effective as possible to meet your needs and boost the value of your home.