The Porch

The Keys to Homeownership

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The Role of Escrow in Homebuying

As a homebuyer or homeowner, you’ve likely encountered the term "escrow" frequently. We know—there are a lot of terms associated with the...

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Why Now is the Time for a Cash-Out Refinance

As a homeowner with a mortgage, you may be interested to know that since the beginning of 2024, approximately 62% of all properties have...

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New Year Finance Resolutions

Every year, we make New Year's Resolutions that we ultimately break, like losing weight or reading more books. So we came up with a few...

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How to Keep Your Credit in the “Good” Range

Credit makes the world go round. Good credit can unlock so many opportunities, while mediocre or poor credit can be a barrier to entry.

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How Can I Raise My Credit Score in a Month?

Put simply, your credit score can open up doors or create roadblocks. So, what do you if you’re on a tight timeline and need to raise your...

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Common Tax Deductions for Homeowners

It’s that time of year again… TAX SEASON! Let’s be honest, no one likes doing taxes except accountants. We all want to keep as much of our...

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Will My Credit Score Go Up After Buying a House?

If you’re in the market for a house, you may be wondering how a large purchase (and mortgage) could affect your credit score. Will buying a...

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Personal Finance Apps: Your Key to Financial Health

Managing money can be a tricky one. There's money coming in, (lots of) money going out, bills to pay, goals to achieve, and futures to...

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Improve Your Credit All Year

Your credit score is one of the most important aspects of your financial life, because it impacts nearly every financial move you make....

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Renting Rooms in Your Home

As home values increase, housing becomes less affordable to those just entering the market. If your taste ranks higher than your budget,...

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