The Porch Blog by Ruoff Mortgage

Stormy Weather Fun: Beat Boredom with These Activities

Written by Lauren Caggiano | September 18, 2019

Don’t let fall’s unpredictable weather deter your fun! You just have to get a little creative to find ways to make the most of indoor fun. Following are a few ideas to keep the whole family entertained, on a budget:

Get active: SkyZone, the bowling alley and your local roller dome can provide an outlet for kids to unleash energy. You can also walk around the mall to get some low-impact exercise.  Or if you don’t want to leave your house, pull up a YouTube workout and get sweating!

Cook: Is there a new recipe you’ve been meaning to try? Or what about a home-made version of that Pumpkin Spice drink? Stormy days are a great exercise to put your domestic skills in action. Don’t forget to share your creations on social media for all to see!

Organize: While this one isn’t as fun, it can be a good way to teach kids the importance of keeping a tidy space. Could that junk drawer use some attention? What about that pile of clothes sitting in a laundry basket for weeks? Now’s the time to get your home in tip-top shape! You’ll thank yourself when spring cleaning rolls around again.

Play: Remember those epic tents you made as a kid? It’s time to relive your childhood! Help your kids build a fort with every pillow, blanket and couch cushion that can be found. Don’t forget to capture the fun with photos!

Practice gratitude: Write handwritten letters to family and friends. You can also write down some thoughts in a journal to revisit when you’re feeling sad. You don’t need an occasion to be grateful!

Read: Chances are you have a book sitting on your shelf that’s collecting dust. Chilly weather calls for nestling up with a cup of tea and tome. Which one will it be?

Be social: Invite your neighbors over and have a game night. You could supply snacks and drinks or ask everyone to bring a dish for a potluck theme. Just be sure to ask about any food allergies.

Give back: Looking to pay it forward? Help out at the food bank, homeless shelter, animal shelter or another worthy cause. Visit to find local opportunities that align with your interest.

Unplug: Challenge your family to go 24 hours without looking at a digital device. A digital detox can be healthy for people of all ages, especially when mental health is concerned.

Learn: Whether it’s a new language, computer programming or advanced Microsoft Excel, learning a new skill can slow down the aging process of our brain. Bonus: there’s a wealth of free services out there online, at your disposal. If only there were more than 24 hours in the day!

Drink and be merry: Channel your inner mixologist and dream up some cocktails. There are tons of great cocktail apps and tutorials on websites that have concoctions to suit any taste. The only question remains: shaken or stirred?