The Porch Blog by Ruoff Mortgage

Home Decorating DIY: Budget Friendly and Unique

Written by Jessica Brita-Segyde | September 20, 2019

If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. Truth? Whether or not you believe that first sentence, it sure is fun and rewarding to decorate your own home. 

Statistics show that you’re likely to spend two hours out of every day caring for your home, so why not make it a space that you love? Turn your home into one that’s truly your own. If you’re ready to take an active role in your home’s décor, then read on for some do-it-yourself advice.

Choose Your Palette and Theme

Redecorating options are endless. Do-it-yourselfers should choose a theme and color palette before beginning any project. Skipping this step is not advised since “winging it” will lead to chaos and disillusionment halfway through the project. Michael’s is a wonderful place but if you don’t honor your project with creative boundaries you could spend all day in the home décor stores just walking in circles.

For thematic inspiration, check out the book Homebody by Joanna Gaines. She makes it easy. A good place to consult regarding color palettes is Sherwin-Williams color exploration webpage.

The Top-Down Approach

With the top-down approach, you’ll start at the ceiling and end at the floor. The top-down approach is a good method for live-in decorators who want to do a complete or partial room update but still retain use of that room for the duration of the project. Starting with the ceiling makes sense at this tends to be the messiest part of the project. Redecorating your ceiling may involve cleaning, priming, painting, and replacing or refurbishing light fixtures. You may also want to paint, install, or replace trim or border in this area.

Next, it’s time to visit the walls. Walls are much like ceilings except you’ll be hanging art instead of lights (unless you’re hot-wiring sconces, which look super cool at night). Plan to clean, paint, and prime your walls according to your chosen color palette. Choose art that promotes the look and feel you want and let your wall art influence the plan for the rest of the room.

Once the walls are dialed-in it’s time to remove or refinish the furniture you plan to keep. What you’re not keeping can be replaced. Look for used first and if you can’t find the right piece consider purchasing naked (a.k.a. unfinished) furniture or build your own. If you can’t find the exact piece you want, leave the space empty for now. Sometimes creativity needs a little breathing room.

Decorating 101

Home decorating megastores like JoAnn Fabrics and Michael’s offer classes all year round. Check their websites or in-store displays for upcoming events. Typical classes include stenciling, accent pillows, and paint trends. Stores may also offer Holiday-themed décor projects or weekly meetings for specific interest groups.

Decorating 201

If you’re ready to take your projects to the next level, consider enrolling in a semester-long class. Municipal parks departments and college noncredit programs offer courses in home design and staging. You can also get right down to work by starting a larger project at a home decorating store like Nailed IT DIY.

Enlist the Help of a Bona Fide Expert

If you want to do it yourself but need help with vision, hire a professional decorator for a one-time consultation. It’s amazing what a professional can envision in just three hours.

When it comes to home decorating, the DIY approach has two major benefits: First, it costs less than purchasing a prefabricated look from a catalog. Second, doing it yourself truly makes your space your own. You can save money and have exactly what you want. Maybe you’re in the market for a smart, trendy centerpiece or maybe you’re ready to go all-out on a pipes-and-bulbs industrial dining room. Either way, it’s your right as a homeowner to bring your unique self into this project. Don’t be afraid to experiment. This is YOUR house.