Home Selling

Eco-Friendly Updates That Can Boost Your Home's Market Value

By Luke Smith on June, 9 2022
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Luke Smith

Luke Smith is a writer and researcher turned blogger. Since finishing college he has been trying his hand at being a freelance writer. When he isn't writing you can find him traveling, hiking, or gaming.

Today’s homeowners may be looking for that extra edge to get ahead of the market and sell their houses for the highest amount possible.


As sustainability becomes increasingly important to homebuyers, homeowners can respond by implementing eco-friendly updates to make their residences more desirable.


The housing market is hot in cities and towns across the United States. Prioritize eco-friendly home updates, and you can make your residence a top choice for homebuyers who value sustainability.


Everything You Need to Know About Eco-Friendly Home Changes


Eco-friendly home changes benefit homeowners, homebuyers, and the environment. For homeowners, these changes help distinguish their residences from others in a competitive real estate market. Meanwhile, homebuyers can reap the benefits of eco-friendly changes that drive low energy consumption and cost savings. Most importantly, homeowners and homebuyers together can foster sustainability and help the environment thrive.


There are many eco-friendly home updates you can implement today that can boost your house's value long into the future. These include:


1. Improve Your Landscape and Garden

Mow the lawn, trim the hedges, and perform other landscape upgrades. You can prioritize sustainability along the way.


For sustainable landscaping, go organic. Avoid using lawn products that contain chemicals. In addition, use mulch to preserve soil moisture and improve soil fertility.


If you don't have a garden, set one up. Choose plants that beautify your front yard and promote sustainability. These plants can include perennials that grow year after year. You may also want to consider creeping charlie or sweet woodruff that requires minimal maintenance.


Or, if you have a garden, there is still room for improvement. You can evaluate the sun exposure, soil type, and other factors relating to the growth of your garden plants. Then, you can make sure your plants can enjoy the ideal growing conditions.


2. Install Energy-Efficient Lighting

Use energy-efficient lighting across your home. Energy-efficient light bulbs save energy and last longer than traditional ones. They are easy to install and can help you save money on your energy bills.


It typically won't take long to upgrade to energy-efficient lighting. Conduct a home energy assessment to understand your energy consumption. From here, you can identify areas where you can install LEDs in your home. You may also discover other opportunities to reduce energy usage throughout your home.


If you install energy-efficient lighting in an older home, track your energy bills. You may notice your energy usage declines, resulting in lower energy bills. You can share information about your reduced energy costs with homebuyers. As a result, homebuyers can get a good idea about the average energy costs associated with owning your residence.


3. Invest in Smart Home Technology

Choose smart home technology that limits energy consumption. Popular eco-friendly smart home technologies include:

  • Lighting: Lets you manage your home lighting from anywhere, at any time.
  • Thermostats: Allow you to set and maintain the exact temperature for any room in your home.
  • Window Treatments: Enable you to automate your shades to open and close at different times during the day, leading to energy savings.


You can pick up smart home technology systems and install them on your own. If you want to go all-in on smart home tech, you can partner with a professional.


Working with a smart home technology professional is a great option to maximize your home's energy savings and minimize its carbon footprint. This professional can work with you to identify the best way to integrate smart home tech into your residence. The professional will make sure you know how to use the tech and can get the most value out of it.


4. Revamp Your Plumbing

Install a low-flow shower head in your bathroom. A low-flow shower head can reduce water consumption by 40% compared to a standard one. It won't break your budget, either.


It can be beneficial to hire a plumber to address any leaky pipes or faucets in your home. A pipe or faucet that drips once every few seconds can cause your water bills to rise over time. By addressing such issues now, you can limit their impact moving forward.


Check for leaks in your toilet. To do so, add a few drops of food coloring to your toilet tank. If the coloring starts to appear in the bowl, you may have a leak. At this point, contact a plumber to address this problem.


Keep an Eye Out for Eco-Friendly Ways to Upgrade Your Home


Continue to look for ways to improve sustainability throughout your home. You can engage with neighbors and community groups to learn more about sustainability initiatives in your area. This can help you uncover new ways to make your home more sustainable than ever before.


As you complete your eco-friendly home updates, track your results. This allows you to see how well your updates are working. It also ensures that you can provide homebuyers with information they can use to determine if your residence meets their sustainability requirements.


Don't Wait to Get Started on Eco-Friendly Home Updates

Eco-friendly home updates can help your residence stand out from others. The sooner you begin these updates, the sooner you can promote them to homebuyers.


Prioritize sustainability across your home. Once you do, you can upgrade your residence and make sure it hits the mark with homebuyers who value sustainability.