Protect, Monitor, and Save: The Comprehensive Benefits of Home Security Systems

By Kelli Blystone on August, 29 2024
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Kelli Blystone

Home security systems are hardly a new concept for homeowners, but as technology has
advanced, the benefits of having a system installed in your home go beyond just protecting your family and valuables from crime. 


According to the FBI, property crime consistently declined from 2011 to 2020 by more than
30%, so it’s understandable if you’re not overly concerned about break-ins happening in your
neighborhood. But even with falling property crime rates, demand for home security systems has only increased, with a predicted market value of $8.2 billion by 2025.

That’s likely because people have discovered the additional benefits that home security systems can provide. Modern home security systems not only protect your property by deterring burglars, but can help you manage your electricity usage, stay aware of any fire or gas issues that may occur, and even reduce your home insurance premiums.

Let’s dive into all of the reasons why a home security system can help you secure peace of
mind and save you money along the way.

8 Benefits to a Home Security System

Home Protection
Protecting valuables within your home is perhaps the number one reason that homeowners
consider installing a security system. Burglars target high value items like jewelry and
electronics, and having a home security system installed can help you avoid losing your most valuable possessions to theft.

Most systems have alarms that are triggered in the event of a break-in, which are likely to scare away would-be burglars. But even if the alarm doesn’t scare them off, these systems will also notify local authorities of the break-in, increasing the chance that police may arrive on-scene to interrupt the burglary and apprehend the offender.

Burglar Deterrent
In addition to stopping a burglary in progress, home security systems often prevent crimes
before they happen. Most home security systems come with signage that homeowners can post outside to inform potential burglars that the house is armed. Other visible signs of a security system like cameras, and even neighbors with security systems can help prevent burglaries as well. One study found that 83% of burglars looked for signs of an alarm first, and more than half said they would give up if they saw one.

Improved Energy Management
If burglaries aren’t top of mind, what would you say to a decreased electric bill? Many home
security companies offer smart thermostats and outlets as part of their systems. Smart
thermostats allow you to adjust the temperature settings in your home even when you’re not there. That means you can check in on that nagging feeling that you left the air conditioning blasting before you left for a vacation, and can adjust the temperature right from an app on your phone from miles away. The same goes for lights or other items you may have left plugged in or on (like your curling iron)—with smart lights or outlets you can switch things off from the app even when you’re not home.

Many systems will even adjust automatically to an energy savings setting when the system is armed or set to away.

Remote Access to Your Home
In addition to controlling your thermostat and electronics from afar, many home security systems can also include features like smart locks so that you can control access when you’re not there. Maybe you need to let in a family member who doesn’t have a key, or forgot to lock up while rushing out the door in the morning. A simple tap on an app can lock or unlock the doors to your home when you have smart keyless locks installed.

Monitoring Capabilities for Children or Pets
Most home security cameras offer a live view of who is entering or leaving your home, or even just hovering around your property, even while you’re not there. You can tap into the footage from an app on your phone, allowing you to keep tabs on children or pets who might be home without an adult. Much to the chagrin of mischievous teenagers, you will be able to see if and when they try to sneak out, or who they might try to sneak into your home.

Doorbell cameras also allow you to keep tabs on deliveries, or any other visitors who may come by your home when you’re not there. It can also help you screen visitors before answering the door.

Gas or Fire Notifications
Some home security systems will allow you to sync up your smoke alarms or carbon monoxide detectors so if either are triggered, authorities will be notified immediately. This is especially helpful for emergencies that may occur while you’re away, or even if something happens overnight while you and your family sleep.

Reduced Home Insurance Premiums and Increased Property Value
In addition to all of the security benefits, your homeowners insurance provider may also
recognize the benefits of a home security system—and reward you for it. In fact, most insurance companies offer a discount of 2% to 5% on your premiums if you install a home security system, but a few insurers offer up to 15%. You’re more likely to score the bigger savings if you have more than one type of protective device—like smart locks and security cameras—or if you have a full security system with 24/7 monitoring.

And if insurance savings isn’t enough, the National Council for Home Safety and Security found that homes with a security system actually have a higher resale value than those without. Their survey revealed that homes with security systems sold for an average of 3.5% more—so if your home is worth $300,000, a security system could tack on an additional $10,500 in value!

Overall Peace of Mind
Your home is your safe haven, and a home security system only increases your overall peace of mind—both when you’re at home and away. Even as property crimes decrease, having a home security system can help ensure burglars avoid your home, while also providing many other valuable security features and cost savings.